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After School care

                                                         At the club, children will receive a light snack (e.g. toast, a wrap, fruit, biscuit) and they will then have a range of activities to do. The focus will be childcare, so the intention is for the children to be able to relax after their long day at school. As with our other clubs, there will be an expectation of good behaviour and if children are unwilling or unable to follow the school rules, which are designed to keep them safe, they will not be able to attend the club.


3.00PM – 5.30PM  - £7.50

                                                             3.00PM – 4.30PM  - £5.00

                                                             3.00pm - 3.30pm   - £2.00

There will be no other options or timings although children can be collected at any time. All places will have to be booked via the Schoolmoney app and you will need to choose the time option and pay for it.  There will be no pupil premium spaces available for this after school care.

After School Care is booked online through Schoolmoney and you will be sent a password and log in details.  This will need to be booked and paid for in advance and the spaces are limited.  Once full, the system will not allow you to book a space.  An Application Form will need to be completed before your child has attended.  This can be found on our website or you can collect one from the school office.

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