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Our policy for school uniform focuses on affordability for our families whilst ensuring children feel suitably dressed for school.  Ideally, children should be comfortable, the uniform should be practical, it should be warm enough/cool enough for the time of year and easy to wash and maintain.

Bottle Green Sweatshirt (with or without School Badge)

Bottle Green Sweat Cardigan (with or without School Badge)

White Polo Shirt (with or without a school badge)

Bottle Green Polo (with or without school badge)

Grey School Trousers

Grey School Shorts

Grey School Skirt

Grey Pinafore Dress

Green checked school dress (summer)

Waterproof Jacket or Coat

Black School Shoes

PE Lessons

Black Jogging Bottoms/Leggings

White T-shirt

Black Hoodie


The St Crispin’s PTFA provide Pre-Loved Uniform for a small charge which can be ordered by emailing uniform@stcrispins.school

St Crispin's School Uniform with the school logo can be purchased from The Schoolwear Centre, 56 Addington Street, Margate, Kent CT9 1QS

01843 293555

All uniform can be purchased from most supermarkets without the school logo

Name Labels (schools earn up to 30% commission)


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